Welcome to Michael Hauben's Domain

Note: This page is old. If you reached here via a link to http://www.columbia.edu/~hauben/home.html, please tell the maintainer of the site to link to my home page at http://www.columbia.edu/~hauben/index.html. Thanks! And go there now - things are new and improved. :) Peace. 3/9/96

Home of the Amateur Computerist Newsletter, the "Ever Expanding Musical Listing!" and WayStation for all Netizens

Information About Me.

It is now 1996, and I am back from my first two trips off the continent in over ten years! Look at some photos on my Travel Page.

I recently graduated with a BA in computer science from Columbia College of Columbia University in the city of New York on May 17, 1995. I am now continuing my study of the impact of computers on human communications at Teachers College. During my senior year, I pursued a year long independent study / senior thesis. The resulting papers are available via HTTP and FTP.
I like to think of you as a Netizen.

I now work for Columbia University's Academic Information Systems (AcIS) as a postmaster. As an undergraduate I worked part-time as a student lab instructor or University Instructor (UI). Last spring semester I was the TA for the CU Journalism School's Reporting in Cyberspace class, where I helped construct the Columbia Internet Observer(I/O), an experimental newspaper on the Net about the Net. In addition to the on-line newspaper, I put together a list of Web and Net resources.

I love listening to music, and have an ambient radio show at Barnard College's radio station WBAR. Lastly, I am an editor of the Amateur Computerist Newsletter.

What's New you Ask?

Research Interests

  1. National Electronic Open Meeting - scheduled for May 1 to May 14. Participate to help determine role of computers and networks in USA government! [Meeting is now over, but check with this web site for any updates.]
  2. The IITF Web Server - archives of federal online conference which asked USA citizens about opinions on the NII. If you participated, the NTIA and DoC is interested in your evaluation of the conference. Email them at nii@ntia.doc.gov
  3. The NetBook "The Netizens and the Wonderful World of the Net: An Anthology" - on the history of the net, and some cultural context.
  4. My academic writings are available at www.cs.columbia.edu or ftp.cs.columbia.edu
  5. Discussions over the Culture of Usenet and other topics
  6. Netizen's stories sent to FARNET to support the Net being Developed
  7. Usenet History FTP Site
  8. CMC Study Center Resources at RPI
  9. John December's Computer Mediated Communication Master List
  10. RFCs - Request For Comments, Internet Technical and Non-technical documentation from the InterNIC
  11. List of USENET FAQs

Net Links I enjoy

Be transported to my MISC. page for additional ART/MUSIC/Hotlists/etc

Put on some heavy trance and dance over to my music page.

And Lastly, my Resume in ascii form and in HTML form.

Some thoughts on what principles drive my design of the web pages at the Netizens Cyberstop.

Link to my Vision Project Page - Researching the Vision behind the Development of the Net

Links to The NetBook -"The Netizens and the Wonderful World of the Net: An Anthology" - Different archival sites.

Link to TC Class Project- Computer Mediated Communications class, My addition to the Policy Group.

See if I am on and check out my .plan.
Otherwise you can reach me at hauben@columbia.edu
Last modified: Wed Jan 24 01:52 1996