While style is nice, content is what is important. That is why you you will see no backgrouds, fancy fonts or unnecessary graphics on my pages.
In addition, I have tried to make a balance between original content and hotlinks available at my site. I am bored silly by web pages which only point to other web pages. When you go somplace on-line you want to find something interesting and worthwhile the effort it took to go there! Indexes are fine if they are unique in the information they gather. Random "Hot links!" or "What's Cool" lists which pride themselves are lots of hot air.
HTML was designed to make page design
possible which ALL browsers could read. Thus someone
could design a page using the <strong></strong>
pair, and some browsers would change the font, others would inverse
the video. This is different then using the
which command a browser to
emphasize in a certain fashion.
The netscape extensions promote elitism of platforms if they wish to become part of standard code.
Usenet represents more of the active dynamic then the Web to me. I am more interested in what comes out of the discussion of different people then the web page which comes from one persons time and effort.
Collaboration and cooperation, even by people of differing viewpoints, is much more the fruit of this new world.
Please e-mail me at hauben@columbia.edu if you have disk space, time or energy to contribute. Thanks!