Translation of Table of Contents:
Sefer Przemysl
Edited by: Dr. Arie Menczer
Published in Israel by Irgun Yotzei Przemysl, 1964
Translated by:
Alan T. Hirshfeld
Contributed by:
Alan T. Hirshfeld
The following is a translation of the Table of Contents of the Przemysl Yizkor Book. Thank you to Alan T. Hirshfeld for translating and contributing this material. We now need volunteers to transliterate the Hebrew and Yiddish name indices.
For further information, contact Barbara U. Yeager, project coordinator. For more information about Przemysl, visit Przem ysl ShtetLinks website.
This material is made available by JewishGen, Inc. and the Yizkor Book Project for the purpose of fulfilling our mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities. Persons obtaining this material may not duplicate or create multiple copies except for non-commercial use. In no event may copies of this material be sold or bartered. Rights may be reserved by the copyright holder
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material for verification.
Foreword | xv | ||
Chapter | |||
1 | From the History of Przemysl Jewry | Prof. M. Schor | 7 |
2 | Life of Przemysl Jews in the past (summary of historical literature: | D. Nitzani | 15 |
a) Before Polish hegemony | |||
b) Period of Polish independence | |||
c) On the writers of Przemysl | |||
3 | First Jewish Craftsmen in Przemysl | Dr. E. Bloch | 40 |
4 | Ancient synagogue of Przemysl and its place in architectural history | Dr. N. Schneid | 45 |
5 | Sources: | 52 | |
Q and A of R. Yehuda b. Meir Hacohen of Mintz | |||
Book of penitential prayers in Przemysl | |||
4 inscriptions on monuments | |||
Papal (?) edict of 1753 | |||
The secret Tzadik – R. Yitzchak Eizik Schochet | |||
6 | Rabbis of Przemysl 1535-1893 | Ch. Trau & D.N. | 56 |
Chapter | |||
1 | From 1772-1867 | Y. Altbauer & L. Goetz | 69 |
2 | In the city and in the community | D. N. | 74 |
3 | Political movements in the Jewish street | D. N. | 90 |
History of Zionist movements in Przemysl before W.W. I | |||
"Yehudia" - some memories" | Tz. Amit | 100 | |
On "Haivria" | Y. Altbauer | 103 | |
Poale Zion in Przemysl until the outbreak of W.W. I | E. Bloch | 106 | |
Dr. Herman Lieberman | E. Bloch | 112 | |
History of Jewish assimilation | D. N. | 119 | |
4 | Religious life | D. N. | 122 |
Rabbi Gedalia Shmelkes | Ch. Trau and D. Nitzani | 135 | |
Religious functionaries in the last 25 years of Austrian rule | D. N. | 140 | |
Famous "Admorim" (chasidic rebbes) in Przemysl | D. N. | 141 | |
Images from the great Kloitz in Przemysl | Y. Adif | 144 | |
5 | Jewish education | Y. Adif | 146 |
'Tikvas Yisroel' school | D. N. | 149 | |
Religious studies | E. Bloch | 150 | |
Study of Hebrew language in Przemysl | D. N. | 154 | |
6 | Avraham ben Yitzchak Sonne | H. C. | 157 |
Avraham ben Yitzchak Sonne | Leah Goldberg | 160 | |
7 | Writers and Intellectuals | 164 | |
R. Mordechai Yona Rosenfeld | A. Kahana | 164 | |
Shimon Menachem Lazer | Y. A. | 166 | |
Images of Intellectuals in Przemysl | 168 | ||
"Birech (Berechiyahu) Shapir - Humorous poet" | D. N. | 170 | |
8 | Days of W.W. I | ||
Przemysl in the time of seige | Y. Altbauer | 172 | |
Beseiged Przemysl | Y. Michelsburg | 177 | |
Yom Kippur in the fortress | Dr. V.A. Fordes | 178 | |
PART III | PRZEMYSL JEWS (1918-1939) | ||
Chapter | |||
1 | Przemysl passes under Polish rule | Y. Altbauer | 185 |
2 | Dr. M. Rosenfeld | M. Henish | 191 |
3 | "November 1918" | Z. Luft | 193 |
4 | "The nation - city and community" | Y. A. | 199 |
The rabbinical court | D. N. | 205 | |
5 | The Jewish population – constituents and economy | Y. A. | 207 |
6 | Institutions of education and culture | Y. A. | 214 |
7 | Jewish health institutions | Y. A. | 231 |
8 | Jewish social institutions in Przemysl | Y. A. | 229 |
9 | Jewish sport in Przemysl | Y. A. | 243 |
10 | Zionist movement in Przemysl (1918-1939) | Y. A. | 246 |
Zionist Labor movement in Przemysl | K. Y. Golan | 252 | |
Revsionist movement "HTzHR" in Przemysl | Dr. Y. Schechter | 258 | |
Mizrachi in Przemysl | A. Ben Pazi | 261 | |
Zionist youth movements in Przemysl | Y. A. | 264 | |
Renewed "Herzl Group" | Y. A. | 264 | |
Hashomer Hatzair | Y. A. | 268 | |
"Gordonia" | D. Sim | 275 | |
Hanoar Hatzioni (Zionist youth) | Y. A. | 280 | |
Hebrew youth group "Akiva" | Y. A. | 282 | |
The scouts | S. Antmann | 285 | |
11 | Other Jewish parties | ||
Agudas Yisroel | R. A. Weinberger | 286 | |
The JPS (later "Bund") | Y.A. | 288 | |
Jewish participation in PPS and Communist Party | Y. A. | 290 | |
12 | Jewish newspapers | Y. A. | 291 |
13 | Hechalutz and first Jewish chalutzim | S. Antmann | 293 |
Shimshon Goldstein | D. N. | 297 | |
Dr. Zvi Luft | M. Gans | 301 | |
Annals of the third Aliya | S. Goldstein | 304 | |
Prof. Dr. Moshe Shor | D. N. | 311 | |
Dr. Leib Landau | B. Weintreub | 315 | |
Memories of Leib Landau | M. Melman | 317 | |
The last days of Leib Landau | Y. Avrahami | 320 | |
Rabbi Dr. Yosef Mieses | D. N. | 322 | |
Matityahu Mieses | Dr. A. Menczer | 324 | |
Prof. Dr. Yaakov Mann | D. N. | 328 | |
Dr. Yitzchak Mann | Dr. Y. Klausner | 331 | |
Avraham Kahana ("Avrech") | M. N. | 333 | |
Rabbi Dr. Shmuel Hirshfeld | 335 | ||
R. Yitzchak Yaakov Teomim | D. N. | 337 | |
Dr. Moshe Richter | Y. A. | 339 | |
Dr. Tzvi Reichman | Y. A. | 339 | |
Dr. Ephhraim Schutzmann | Y. A. | 340 | |
Avraham Chaim Klagsbald | Y. A. | 341 | |
Words of eulogy that were not spoken | A. Cohen | 342 | |
Lippe Geller | Y. A. | 343 | |
Dr. Alexander Steinhardt | Dr. B. Weintraub | 343 | |
Wilhelm Haspel | Y. A. | 344 | |
Eng. Tzvi Mendel Yavetz | Y. A. | 345 | |
Chaim Eliash | Y. b. Eliezer | 345 | |
Mordechai Hacke | Y. A. | 346 | |
Yosef Rinde | Y. A. | 346 | |
Avraham Schachter | Y. A. | 347 | |
Meir Honigwachs | Y. A. | 347 | |
The family Akser | Y. A. | 348 | |
Dr. Yosef Akser | Y. A. | 348 | |
Dr. David Sack | Y. A. | 349 | |
Dr. Nisan Stein-Goldstein | Y. A. | 349 | |
Victor Emanuel Fordes | D. N. | 350 | |
R. Shmuel Babad | Y. A. | 351 | |
R. Shmuel b. David Knoller | D. N. | 351 | |
Mordechai Gottfried | R. A. Meir | 352 | |
R. Menachem Shlomo Schussheim | M. Henish | 353 | |
Prof. Dr. Mannes Kartgenner | D. N. | 354 | |
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Rose | Y. A. | 355 | |
Prof. Dr. H. Meisel | Y. A. | 355 | |
Prof. Ludwig Sohn | Y. A. | 356 | |
Dr. Helena Rosenbach-Deutch | Y. A. | 356 | |
Organization of Przemysl emigrants in Israel | Y. A. | 359 | |
Przemysl Landsmanschaften in New York | 361 | ||
Fallen in the establishment of State of Israel | 364 | ||
Chapter | |||
1 | From outbreak of WW II until the liberation | Dr. M. Shatner | 371 |
2 | Reminiscences | Dr. L. Frim | 394 |
Przemysl today | Dr. M. Shatner | ||
Introduction | 409 | ||
The city on the River San | Dr. Y. Zinneman | 413 | |
History of the Jews of Przemysl | D. N. | 416 | |
Anti-Jewish edicts of Bishop of Przemysl in 1743 | 421 | ||
Austrian period (1772-1914) | D. N. | 422 | |
History of the Jews of Przemysl (1914-1939) | Y. Altbauer | 428 | |
Synagogues, Bes medrash, Kloizer and Minyanim in Przemysl | D. N. | 433 | |
Rabbi Gedalia Schmelkes | C. Trau & D. Nitzani | 439 | |
Jewish labor movement in Przemysl | Y. Lobstein | 442 | |
Dr. Leib Landau | 451 | ||
Edward Leib Landau – a great man in Israel | A. Marovsky | 451 | |
Memories of Leib Landau | Ida Kaminska | 456 | |
Dr. Herman Lieberman | Dr. E. Bloch | 458 | |
Michael Ostereicher | D. N. | 464 | |
Dr. Ludwig Grossfeld | D. N. | 465 | |
Przemysl Maskilim: Mordechai Yonah Rosenfeld | A. Kahana | 467 | |
Birech Shapir – the Jewish troubador of Przemysl | A. Kahana | 469 | |
Rachel Korn | A. B. | 471 | |
On the ruins | Rachel H. Korn | 472 | |
Yaakov Zinneman | D. N. | 474 | |
The brothers Schwebel | Chanoch Hand | 475 | |
Types from the Jewish street | E. Bloch | 478 | |
The tzadik of Volinitz | Dr. H. Bergman | 490 | |
The hidden tzadik R. Eizik Schochet | 492 | ||
Organization of Przemysl in Israel | Y. A. | 494 | |
Przemysl landsmanschaften in New York | 497 | ||
The destruction of Przemysl | Dr. M. Shatner | 501 | |
My experiences in the occupation | Dr. Leon Frim | 527 | |
INDEX OF NAMES (Hebrew) | 537 | ||
INDEX OF NAMES (Yiddish) | 547 |
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