The Role of Communication in Bacteria Ours is a time of rapid advance of communication technology. Historically, major changes in communication technology, like the invention of spoken language, the invention of writing, and the invention of movable type and the printing press have had profound effects upon human society. But also communication of genetic information from generation to generation during DNA replication, of metabolic information from cell to cell during development and everyday life and of information between organisms plays a fundamental role at all levels of life (Pierce, 1972 and Stent, 1972). Aristotle taught that to study a thing at its early stages is fruitful because at the early stages the principles of a thing are clearest. In order to understand the importance of the current telecommunications revolution to human society it is worthwhile therefore to investigate the role of communication in one of the oldest forms of life, bacteria. Bacteria are among the oldest, most wide spread and most abundent organisms on our planet (Losick and Kaiser, 1997). How have they been able to survive and spread over such long time and distances? Even under electon microscopic magnification they appear as little more than rigid vessels filled with strands of DNA and an amorphous cytoplasm, surrounded by a cell membrane which might include flagella or pilli (Losick and Kaiser, 1997). A typical Caulobacter crescentus, for example, appears to be a cigar shaped cell with a stalk extending out from one pole. In the process of cell division, as two daughters are forming, a fagellum can be seen at the opposite pole from the stalk (Poindexter, 1964 and Ely and Shapiro, 1984). Modern laboratory techniques, however, allow us to know that at the molecular level even C. crescentus cells have a fairly complex structure (Ely and Shapiro, 1984). The stalk of a C. crescentus cell has an adhesive at its far end so it can hold fast to solid surfaces (Poindexter, 1964). Its cell division is assymetrical, one daughter cell retains the original stalk and remains in place to repeat the reproductive cycle, while the other daughter cell (the swarmer) uses its flagellum to swim away. Since the stalked daughter likely remains where its mother was, it cannot avoid cell threatening conditions there. But the swarmer cell guided by chemical gradients can seek favorable conditions. The swarmer eventually releases its flagellum. Developing at the same pole a stalk, it begins the cycle again. By having half its progeny as swarmers, C. crescentus has enhanced the possibility of its survival as a species. But in so doing, it sacrificies any advantage that might have arisen from collective action among its daughter cells. There is no communication among C. crescentus cells nor between a cell and its environment that determines the differentiation into two morphologically different daughter cells. The plan for this differentiation is contained in the DNA of C. crescentus cells and is replicated in each daughter cell. Such a survival strategy is the result of the evolutionary history of the species. DNA replication achieves the communication from parent to offspring of the accumulated trail and error survival lessons of that species. The DNA also contains genes, the expression of which, for example, leads to the synthesis of the proteins that are used to construct the flagellum. How this is achieved is not fully understood but the non- random placement of the flagellum requires control that must ultimately come from the DNA (Cooper, 1991). The whole life of the cell is a constant osmossis of molecules from the environment as nutrients or contact with molecules from the environment as signals. In response to these nutrients and signals, various genes are expressed that control the enfolding of plans encoded in the DNA. So, even without communication with other cells, each C. crescentus cell experiences constant internal communication and interaction with its environment. For most bacteria, cell division is symmetrical yielding two identical daughter cells each with a complete copy of its parent's DNA. But sometimes in the course of their lives such identical cells behave differnetly depending upon signals they get not from the DNA but from each other. For example, each cell of Vibrio fischeri has a mechanism encoded in its DNA for producing light (Losick and Kaiser, 1997). If isolated cells produce light they would not achieve any benefit worth the energy expended to produce the light and might thereby be more easily targeted by preditors sensitive to light. But isolated cells do not produce light. Instead, there is a squid, Euprymna scopes, that has developed a mechanism for concentrating V. fischeri into a part of its body called a light organ. V. fischeri cells continuously synthesize and secrete a molecule, so-called autoinducer (Kaiser and Losick, 1993). In their cell membranes there exist other molecules that are sensitve to the relative presence of autoinducer. When the V. fischeri live freely in the ocean, the concentration of the bacteria and whatever they cast off is extremely low. When a Euprymna scopes succeeds in concentrating the V. fischeri cells in its light organ, however, the concentration of autoinducer will increase. When the bacteria sense autoinducer at or above threshold concentration, production of light is triggered. Now safe in large numbers within the light organ, the production of light does not endanger the cells. In fact, in exchange for the light which the squid needs, a nurishing sheltered haven is provided (Losick and Kaiser, 1997). Autoinducer is a relatively small molecule called a homoserine lactone, one of a family of molecules bacteria use to measure their own cell density in conjunction with triggering collective behavior. Casting off and sensing autoinducer is a V. fischeri cell's mechanism for communicating its presence and sensing the presence of numbers of other cells. Myxococcus xanthus is another species for which density information is important (Kaiser, 1984). These rod shaped bacteria inhabit cultivated soil, breaking down water insoluable organic material as they glide about or swarm onto a particularly rich nutrient source. A dense population yields a greater efficiency in breaking down and utilizing the nutrients (Kaiser, 1984). Again, cell division is symmetrical and each cell functions in a similar fashion under normal conditions. With a secretion similar to autoinducer, the M. xanthus cells direct their motion to gather to feed together at the sites of abundent nutrient. But sometimes when nurtients become scarce there is a problem. No individual cell can move fast enough or far enough to insure finding a new source of food or a source it could deal with alone. Even if a cell could form a spore or in another way try to survive, its chance of success is low. To avoid the consequences of depleted nutrients, when an M. xanthus cell senses decreasing available nutrients, it synthesizes and casts off a molecule (of the homoserine lactone family) called factor A (Kaiser, 1984). Low density of factor A does not influence other nearby M. xanthus cells. If however approaching starvation is sensed and responded to by significant numbers of cells, a threshold concentration of factor A is reached (kaiser and Losick, 1993). The cells detecting this concentration of factor A cease functioning normally. Instead they join, via signals back and forth, in a coordinated motion with other such cells culminating in the piling of perhaps one hundred thousand in a mound perhaps one tenth millimeter high (Losick and Kaiser, 1997). When the mound is complete, the M. xanthus cells continue to move but now with a motion that reorients them with respect to each other. They secrete another molecule, so-called factor C, that adheres to their cell membranes. Factor C somehow signals proper orientation to interior cells for optimal dense packing (Kaiser and Losick, 1993). Surface cells move until by some signal they are side by side in small groups which are dislocated with respect to each other (Kaiser, 1984). When these motions are complete, the concentration of factor C signals previously identical cells to begin to behave differently (Kaiser and Losick, 1993). Depending where they are in the mound, they either lyse or form spores. The resulting structure, called a fruiting body protrudes from the surface. More than half the cells have sacrificed themselves to form a stalk and shell to hold the other cells which have morphogenicized into spores resistent to heat, to desiccation, etc. The value to the colony and the species is that such a densely packed fruiting body, protruding from the surface has a much enhanced chance of being carried elsewhere by the wind or an animal so as to at some time and place encounter enough nutrient and with enough numbers to resume the normal life cycle of M. xanthus. (Losick and Kaiser, 1997) The survival strategies of bacteria encoded in their DNA are quite varied and often complex. The notion that bacteria have survived because they are rugged individuals proves untrue for almost all species. C. crescentus may be the exception but it survives by assymetric differentiation leading to the adventurous migration of one half of its progeny. For most bacteria their edge in survival comes from an encoded stradegy that includes cooperation among large numbers of individual cells. There can be no such social behavior without communication among the cells. V. fischeri signal each other that there are enough of themselves present that they are safe to produce light. All members of the community benefit from the broadcast messages from each individual. M. xanthus signal each other that the nurtient supply is dwindling. When enough of them do the signalling, the colony as a whole being in danger of starvation takes collective action. The individual cells coordinate their motions to form a mound. Then some cells sacrifice themselves to create a supporting structure while others become encased, dorment spores. The resulting fruiting body is a densely packed package of spores held high enough off the surface to have a chance for motion as a whole to a new location where nutrient is available. Besides making social behavior possible, communication of genetic information during DNA replication arms each generation with all the other survival lessons the species has accumulated during its evolution. Without the lessons of its species history each generation would be vulnerable to extinction. But also, communication among unicellular species provides a suggestive glimpse of the direction of evolution from unicellular to muticelluar species and of the possible current direction of evolution for all species from less communication to more, from less cooperation to more. The fundamental role communication plays in survival strategies of bacteria can be taken as the basis for optimism that the enhanced communication among all the people of the world made possible by new technology will lead to a greater ability of the human species to solve its problems and increase its chances of meaningful survival. --------------- References Cooper, S. 1991. Bacterial Growth and Division. Academic Press, San Diego. Ely, B. and L. Shapiro. 1984. Regulation of cell differentiation in Caulorbacter crescentus. In R. Losick and L. Shapiro. Microbial Development. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring, NY., pp. 1-26. Kaiser, D. 1984. Regulation of muticellular devevolopment in Myxcobacteria. In R. Losick and L. Shapiro. Microbial Development. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring, NY., pp. 197-218. Kaiser, D. and R. Losick. 1993. How and why bacteria talk to each other. Cell 73: 873-885. Losick, R. and D. Kaiser. 1997. Why and how bacteria communicate. Scientific American 276 2: 68-73 Parkinson, J. S. 1993. Signal Transduction Schemes in Bacteria. Cell 73, 875-871. Pierce, J. R. 1972. Communication. In Communication. W. H. Freeman, San Diego, pp. 3-13. Poindexter, J.S. 1964. Biological properties and classification of the Caulobacter group. Bacteriol. Rev. 28: 231. Stent, G. S. 1972. Cellular communication. In Communication. W. H. Freeman, San Diego, pp. 17-25. Jay Hauben 4/27/97