1988 to the Present

To access each issue, click on its link in blue.

1) Volume 1 No 1 (Feb. 1988) Newsletter:

Introduction; Dawn of a New Era; Dedication; World of Telecommunications; Try This (IBM); Future Belongs to Programmers; The First Programmer (Picture); Why Learn Programming; Cover of Personal Computing (Picture); Commodore Tips & Tricks.


2) Volume 1 No 2 (Jun. 1988) Newsletter:

The Big Machine; Pass the Profits, Please; Technology: Develop or Stagnate?; Cartoon by “DOC” Wilson; Sample BASIC graphic program; Try This (IBM); The World of Telecom... Corrections; German Vocabulary Helper Program; Programming in BASIC or C?; Configuring Your System; Letter to the Editor.


3) Volume 1 No 3 (Oct. 1988) Newsletter:

Letter Published in Radio-Electronics; Responses from Around the Country; Election & Computers (Editorial); Savior in Waiting; How to Use the Merit Network?; Virtual Drives & Batch Files; Try This (Equation of a Straight Line); As I Was Saying... (Why Computerism?); Computers and Free Speech; Letter to the Editor; Plant Life (Picture).


4) Volume 2 No 1 (Jan. 1989) Newsletter:

Return to Sanity With the Amateur & the Pro; Letters from Readers; Problem Corner; Try This for IBM; System Diagram for Quadraphonic Sound System); Response to October Editorial; Cartoons (Commodore County), Welcome to Commodore County USA; Computer Hacking, A Crime?; IBM Key Assignments Using the “PROMPT”; History of Computers Part I.


5) Volume 2 No 2 (Apr. 1989) Newsletter:

Why Learn to Program? (Discussion); Letters; Try This “Message” in BASIC for IBM; “SE Q” for IBM; As I Was Saying (Jobs: Hours and Sense...); Overtime and Under Pay; May Day poem; Sample Batch File, Using a Text File & Parameters; History of Computers Part II.


6) Volume 2 No 3 (Summer 1989) Newsletter:

Opposing Viewpoints, Impact of Computers On Society: A Debate; Letters to the Editor; CoCo Corner (Grail Quest-Pip); Commodore County USA (Cursor Color Change); Out of the Heart of the Abacus Comes the Computer; History of the Computer Part III.


7) Volume 2 No 4 (Fall 1989) Newsletter:

Letter from Prosecutor; Opposing Viewpoint...; Letters to the Editor; Wanted Alive (AD); CoCo Corner (Equation Graphing Prg.); True Heroes; Trigonometry Lesson for IBM; History of the Computer Part IV.


8) Volume 3 No 1 (Winter 1990) Newsletter:

Letter from Editor of Detroit News; Don’t Replicate UAW-Ford School; When Will Their Walls Come Tumbling Down; Letters to Editor; Commodore County USA (Cartoon); The Spirit of Babbage; CoCo Corner (Poke & Peak); CAD/CAM/CIM; History of Computers Part V.


9) Volume 3 No 2 (Spring 1990) Newsletter:

The Laborer, Yes; Floyd Hoke-Miller (1898-1990); The Picket; In Honor of Labor’s Poet Laureate; Computer Education and Government Regulation; Letter from Superintendent; Open Letter to Superintendent Bemis; Letter to Governor; Commodore County U.S.A. (Shimmering Text); C-64 Music Digitizer; IBM Label Program; CoCo Corner (Calorie Counter); Bulletin Board Numbers.


10) Volume 3 No 3 (Fall 1990) Newsletter:

What Criticisms Have You of the A.C.?; Tips and Tricks (IBM Boot Problem); Letter to Editor; Editorial; A Common Man of Greatness; CoCo Corner (Correction); Excerpts from BBS (Discussion-trade Unions); Commodore C-64 Reset Switch; Diagram #1.


11) Volume 3 No 4 (Winter 1991) Newsletter:

Hats Off to Patriot; Amateurs are Needed More Than Ever; CoCo Corner (More Poke & Peak); Bringing Automation Home; Computer BBS Discussion on the War; Computers for the People: Part I.


12) Volume 4 No 1 Fall 1991 Newsletter:

Computers for the People – A History Part II; Letters to the Editor; Ten Commandments of Good Networking; Try This Program (Graphic “Hi”); USSR and the Computer; Command Line Calculator; The Question of Censorship.


13) Volume 4 No 2-3 (Spring 1992) Newsletter:

Computers Vs Plant Closures; Problem Corner; Union Forever; Cartoon (Shorter Hours); Letter To The Editor; Letters to Amateur Computerist; Letter to Editor of Utne Reader; Review from the μ Peripheral; Tribute: Modern Computer Pioneer; Interview with Staff Member; One Line Program; Computers For The People; Cartoon (Commodore County); Pascal Program.


14) Volume 4 No 4 (Summer 1992) Newsletter:

Impact of the Computer on Society: Two Views; Electronic Mail; Letters to the Editor; Desktop Publishing; On the Question of Censorship; Computers for People: History Part IV; Try This: (Programs); (From the Shop Floor) I’d Hate to Be a Foreman & Caterpillar Worker on UAW-Cat Strike; Cartoon (I Have a Grievance); America and the Dollar; Problem Corner; Interview with Staff Member.


15) Supplement (Fall 1992) Newsletter:

The Wonderful World of Usenet News

Introduction; the Net Works; ‘Arte,’ Computers and Usenet News; Computer as a Democratizer; CityNet in New Zealand; Learning About Usenet; Freenet BBS’s; Two Books to Help Users; Liberation Technology; Usenet News Part II; In Memorial.


16) Volume 5 No 1-2 (Spring 1993) Newsletter:

Interview with Henry Spencer; Tradition of May 1, 1848; Social Forces Behind Usenet; The Net and the Labor Movement; Letters to Editor; The New Dawn; Pittsburgh Press Strike; John G. Kemeny; Computers for the People; Pascal Program; Try This Program in C; May Day in History; Charter for Newsgroup.


17) Volume 5 No 3/4 (Fall 1993) Newsletter:

Honoring the 25th Anniversary of ARPAnet

From ARPAnet to Usenet News; Battle For Programming; Common Sense; Imminent Death of the Net; Letters To The Editor; News From Europe; From The Shop Floor; Report: Summer 1993 USENIX; Proposals on NSF Backbone; C Program; Computers for the People; Soul of the Internet.


18) Volume 6 No 1 (Spring 1994) Newsletter:

Celebrating 25 Years of UNIX

UNIX and Computer Science; An Interview with John Lions; An Interview with Berkley Tague; On the 25th Anniversary of UNIX; Usenet News: The Poor Man’s ARPAnet; What the Net Means to Me; Plumbing The Depths of UNIX; Using UNIX Tools; C Program; New Net Book; The Linux Movement; The Ten Commandments for C; May Day in the Morning; Free Software Foundation.


19) Volume 6 No 2-3 (Winter 1995) Newsletter:

Netizens and the Internet

What is a Netizen?; Licklider’s Vision and the Future; Net Cultural Assumptions; Etiquette and the Internet; Ethics and the Internet; The Internet Society; The Internet: Maintaining Diversity; Do You Want to Lose Your Voice?; The Net: A Scientific Perspective; Book Proposal; Netizens: The Impact of the Net; Rights of Netizens.


20) Volume 7 No 1 (Spring 1996) Newsletter:

Netizens and Online Access

Net Access: A Privilege or a Right?; Canadian Community Networking; Netizens and Community Networks; Letter to the Editor; Access For All FAQ; The Future of Democracy; Old Freedoms and New Technologies; Forming the Usenet Online Community; History of Cleveland Freenet; Universal Access to E-Mail; Prototype for Policy Decisions; In Honor of ‘Doc’ Wilson; (Picture of Doc Wilson); ( 3 Cartoons).


21) Volume 7 No 2 (Winter 1997) Newsletter:

Internet: Transforming Society

Power Tools of Our Times; Effect of Net on Professional News Media; Report from INET’96 Part I; CDA Decision (Excerpts); E-mail Evangeladdict; Culture and Communication; Online Education; Report from INET’96 Part II; Internet Impact on Daily Lives?; FCC Submission on Universal Service; Letter to the Editor; Freenets and Politics of Community; Broadsides for Our Day; Genora (Johnson) Dollinger (1913-1995).


22) Volume 8 No 1 (Spring 1998) Newsletter:

Usenet, The Unsung Hero of the Internet

Interview with Tom Truscott; Editorial; Factsheet Five: ACN; Cooperative Nature of Usenet; Creating Broadsides; History of the Net is Important; Netizens: Review of Reviews; Book Reviews: Netizens; Community in; Wiener and Licklider; Amateur Computerist Index: 1988-1998.


23) Special Issue (July 1998) Newsletter:

Controversy Over the Internet

Stakeholders in the DNS Controversy: Netizen List DNS Discussion; Study of the ARPAnet TCP/IP Digest; An Introduction to TCP/IP.


24) Volume 9 No 1 (Winter 1999) Newsletter:

Battle Over the Future of the Internet

Editorial: 25 Years of TCP/IP; Role of Govt in the Internet; Report from INET’98 and IFWP; The Internet: Public or Private?; Report from the Front; The Internet a Public Treasure; Testimony Submitted to Congress; Letter to Congressman Bliley; E-mail Message from Becky Burr; Letter to Wm. Daley Sec. of Commerce; Letter: Tom Bliley to Ira Magaziner; Letter to the NTIA; Herding Cats and Sacred Cows; DNS: Short History and Short Future MsgGroup Mailing List.


25) Volume 9 No. 2 (Special 1999) Newsletter:

Lifting the Veil of Silence from ICANN

ISOC Silencing the Press; Cone of Silence; U.S. Press Censorship; Letter from the DOC.; Letter from Ira Magaziner; Report from SIGCAS/POLICY 98; GAO Review.


26) Volume 10 No. 1 (Summer 2000) Newsletter:

Celebrating the 25th Anniv. of TCP/IP

Welcoming the Millennium; Who Can Watch the Watchdog?; Internet Pioneers Panel; Citizens’ Agenda 2000 Forum; Cleveland Freenet Closed; From the Internet; Oral History of the Internet; 30 Years of RFCs; Principles of the Internet; ARPAnet Mailing Lists.


27) Volume 10 No 2 (Spring 2001) Newsletter:

Editorial; Internet: A Laboratory for Democracy?; Ford Model E Program; Battle over Computer Classes; State of the Net in Hungary; A Loss for Netizens; Moment of Silence for Michael Muuss; Culture Clash over Usenet Archive; Privatization of the Internet; MsgGroup.


28) Volume 11 No 1 (Special 5/1/02) Newsletter:

In Memory of Michael Hauben: Discoverer of Netizens

Introduction; The Emergence of the Netizen; Michael, Computers and the Net; Work And Life of Michael Hauben; Some of Michael’s Accomplishments; In Memoriam: a Netizen; Giving Back to the World; Thoughts Regarding Michael’s Work; Mike: Sketches; “Netizens” in Hebrew Dictionary; A Tribute; Writings by Michael Hauben; Preface: What is a Netizen?; What the Net Means to Me; Declaration of the Rights of Netizens; Democracy: SDS and the Net; The Untold History of the ARPAnet; Berlin Report: The Vision Lives.


29) Volume 11 No 2 (May 2003) Newsletter:

Netizens: Then & Now

Introduction; J. C. R. Licklider to Michael Hauben; Netizenship Today: An Interview; Jr GII Web Chat 1995; What It Means to be a Netizen; Letters to the Editor; Poem about poetry Forums; The E-DRUM: An Ode; Letter from the Poet; In Memoriam: Akos Herman; Review of Netizens; Letter to the Editor; Netizens Then and Now; 15 Years of the Amateur Computerist; Communication Not Annihilation.


30) Volume 12 No 1 (Winter 2004) Newsletter:

15 Years of the Amateur Computerist

Editorial; Doing Democracy; Reality Behind E-democracy; A Case Study; 2004 U.S. Election; Fifteenth Anniversary of ACN; Letters, Net and the Netizens; Reprints: Introduction; Dawn of a New Era; Cartoon; Computers & Free Speech; True Heros; Impact of the Computer on Society; The Spirit of Babbage; Interview with Staff Member.


31) Volume 12 No 2 (Spring 2004) Newsletter:

Netizen Empowerment & 30th Anniversary of TCP/IP

Editorial; Netizens and Internet Governance; International Origin of the Internet; Emergence of Netizens in Japan.


32) Volume 13 No 1 (Spring 2005) Newsletter:

Netizenship Around the World

Netizens and the News; Korean Netizens Change Journalism; Crisis in U.S. Media & the 2004 Election; Netizen and Professional Journalism; Effect of Net on Professional News Media; International Origin of the Internet & WSIS; WSIS Post; First Korean Post to International Usenet; China-Germany E-mail Connection; Domain Name for Viet Nam; Netizens in Korea; XXII International Congress.


33) Volume 13 No 2 (Fall 2005) Newsletter:

The Internet and WSIS

From Public Internet to WSIS; Who Will Control Internet Infrastructure; International Origins of the Internet; IFWP 1998: No Consensus; Internet an Int’l Public Treasure Proposal; Who Are the Stakeholders; Netizen List DNS Discussion; Cone of Silence.


34) Volume 14 No 1 (Spring 2006) Newsletter:

Back to Our Roots; Voice of the UAW Worker; Constitutional Death of the UAW; GM Buyouts No ‘Christmas’; French Youth Up in Arms; NYC Transit Strike; Origin of the Net; Emergence of Netizen, Michael Hauben: Columbia 250th Birthday; Misunderstanding about ‘Netizen’; Advancing “News guerrillas”; Impact of Net on Chinese Press Politics.


35) Volume 14 No 2 (Summer 2006) Newsletter:

 Netizens, Democracy and Labor

Editorial: Is Democracy Working?; Critique Of Democratization In S. Korea; Delphi: Fight that Confronts; Suppression of a VOICE; We are the workers (song); Delphi: Live Bait & Ammo; “Who Killed the Electric Car”; Internet: Citizen Model.


36) Volume 15 No 1 (Winter 2007) Newsletter:

Citizen and Netizen Journalism

Editorial: “Will This Kill That?”; Welcome to Korea and OhmyNews; Media War in Denmark; Citizen Journalists and the New ‘News’; Cit-J and Its Place in Journalism; Reporting From Nepal; Citizen Journalism Brought to Germany; Citizen Reporting in Brazil; Netizens in Japan Take Step Forward; Exporting Citizen Journalism; Netizens Critical to Citizen Journalism; Cit J Not About ‘Amateurs’ or ‘Pros’; Where Do You Head; Cit J?; OMN Changed My Perspective; Researching the ‘My’ in OhmyNews; Cit J: Holding Power to Account; Time to Think; Great Expectations; On Being a Citizen Journalist; Citizen Journalism in Indonesia.


37) Volume 15 No 2 (Spring 2007) Newsletter:

On the Origin of the Net and the Netizen

Netizens and WSIS; Origins of the Internet; Bush; Licklider: Libraries of the Future; Brief History of the Internet in Korea; How China was Connected to Int’l Net; Public Interest in Management of Internet.


38) Volume 16 No 1 (Winter 2008) Newsletter:

Netizen Journalism and the United Nations

Challenging the False Narrative; Security Council Problem Facing the U.N.; Future of the Korean Peninsula; Attack on UNDP Aid to North Korea; U.N. Reform: What Role Will Ban Play?; El Baradei: Negotiation With Iran; U.S.; N. Korea Move to Open Ties; North Korea and Banco Delta Asia; Behind the Blacklisting of BDA; WMD Syndrome and the Press; Does Ban Ki-Moon Have a U.N. Vision?; Status of the Six-Party Talks; North Korea Addresses U.N.; U.N. Supporting Inter-Korean Summit; Net Gives Netizens Reporter Power.


39) Volume 16 No 2 (Summer 2008) Newsletter:

“Across the Great Wall”

Celebration; Panel Discussion; Werner Zorn Interview; Cordial Thanks to our Friends; Steps Toward China on the Internet; Netizens and the New News; Conference Presentation Videos Online; Context for the Spread of CSNET; Netizen Journalism: An Interview.


40) Volume 17 No 1 (Spring 2009) Newsletter:

Netizens and New Forms of Journalism

Editorial, Homo Neticus not Homo Economicus; Internet, Netizens, and Journalism; Candlelight 2008; China: Netizen Impact; Citizen Journalism Organizational Context; Democratizing Innovation; Report on IR9.0 Netizen Session; Report from Copenhagen IR9.0; One Decade of the Net Citizen; Honoring Ronda Hauben.


41) Volume 17 No 2 (December 2008) Newsletter:

Journalism Award

Silver Medal Awarded for ‘Interesting and Provocative Coverage’ of U.N.; Announcing the Thirteenth Annual UNCA Award Winners!; Introduction and Remarks at Award Ceremony; OMNI Interview; U.N. No Longer Seen as Impartial, Independent; Security Council Fails to Act on Gaza Crisis; At Legal Crossroads; International Cartoon Exhibit Opens at U.N.; Changing Culture of U.N. Media.


42) Volume 18 No 1 (Fall 2009) Newsletter:

Netizen Journalism and North Korea

Editorial: Netizen Journalism Counters Media Myths; Overseas Koreans Remember 6.15; U.S. Policy Fails to Engage; UN SC Increases Tension on Korean; UN SC Controversy: N.K. Satellite; U.S. Media: Breakdown in 6-Party Talks; NY Philharmonic: Between 2 Peoples; NY Philharmonic Accepts N.K. Invitation; Review: Hidden History of Korean War; N.K. Woodblock Prints Exhibit.


43) Volume 19 No 1 (Summer 2010) Newsletter:

In the Shadow of Deep Crises

Editorial; Farewell Speech; UN Security Council Reform in Focus; Changed Model Needed to Solve Crisis; Response to Israeli Attacks on Gaza; The World Has Been Watching; Israel Attempts to Justify Attack on Gaza; Need to End Siege of Gaza; Principles to Guide UN Framework; Responsibility to Protect?; G192 Emerges at UN Conference; We, the Different are Here; The People are the Sovereign.


44) Volume 20 No 1 (Winter 2011) Newsletter:

OhmyNews International 2004-2010

OMNI Pioneer of Transnational Journalism; Background: OhmyNews Korea; Closure is Sad Event; From the Frontline; Long-Lasting Impacts; Unfinished Journey; Reporting from the United Nations; Thanks for the Memory; Participatory Journalism; Focus Was Too Broad?; OMNI’s Legacy; Every Citizen Is a Reporter; Comments on the Closing.


45) Volume 20 No 2 (Summer 2011) Newsletter:

Netizen News

Introduction; Collected Works of Michael Hauben; China Host To First Netizen Day; China in the Era of the Netizen; Netizens Defy Western Media Fictions; Need for Netizen Journalism; Chinese Netizens Question Obama; Netizen Impact on Gov't & Media in China; Netizens in Egypt; Watchdog/Challenge the Abuse of Power; Internet Model of Socio-Econ Development; Alternative Model for Internet Access to All; Netizenship; Effect of Net on Professional News Media.


46) Volume 21 No 1 (Winter 2012) Newsletter:

Libya, The UN, and Netizen Journalism

Introduction; Int’l Media: 16th Member of the Security Council; Security Council Libya Mtg: Smoke and Mirrors; UN SC on Libya: Killing the International Law; Abuse of UN Processes by Security Council; U.S. Uses UN to Bypass Congress to Go to War; Journalism as a Weapon of War in Libya; Open Letter From Concerned Africans on Libya; What Does Gaddafi’s Fall Mean For Africa?; ALBA Declaration on Libya and Syria; UNGA Debates NATO Attack on Libya; Lies of the Mainstream Media: TeleSUR; Munich to Tripoli: Aiding Aggression; Statement by Concerned Africans; Appendix: What Libya Achieved 1969-2011; Libya and the Big Lie; What NATO Did to Libya 2011; What Will Happen in Libya Now?


47) Volume 21 No 2 (Spring 2012) Newsletter:

In Honor of Michael Hauben and the Emergence of the Netizens

Introduction; Participatory Democracy: SDS into Future Online; Researching the “Net,” Computer as a Democratizer; What the Net Means to Me; Culture and Communication; Printing Press and the Net; Effect of the Net on Professional News Media; New York City Civic Culture; Does Progress Result from Technology?


48) Volume 22 No 1 (Summer 2012) Newsletter:

May 1 Netizen Celebration

Greetings on the 15th Anniversary; Netizens and Communication; Netizens Expose Distortions; My thinking on Netizens.


49) Volume 22 No 2 (Fall 2012) Newsletter:

Netizen Journalism and International Relations

Netizen Journalism and International Relations; Netizens Expose Media Fabrications and Distortions; UN, China and Journalism in the Era of the Netizen; Korea and the Era of the Netizen; Netizen Journalism in the Media War at the UN; UN Role in Korea 1947-1953: Is it Being Repeated?


50) Volume 23 No 1 (Spring 2013) Newsletter:

Netizen Journalism and the Crisis in Syria

Introduction; SC Vote Challenges Hidden Agenda on Syria; Lessons from SC Implementation of RES 1973; AL Observer Report Corrects Media Narratives Defending UN Charter by Use of Veto; Using UN GA to Endorse Regime Change; UN Charter and Kofi Annan’s Role in Syria; Struggle against Parallel Track to Annan Plan; SC Approves 90 day Observer Mission; “We Need Eyes and Ears on the Ground;” UN and Houla: The Information Battlefield, Journalism in the Era of the Netizen; Why is the UNSMIS Houla Report Missing?


51) Volume 23 No 2 (March 2014) Newsletter:

Netizen Journalism in the Era of the Netizen

Introduction; On the 15th Anniversary of Print Edition of Netizens; Korea and the Era of the Netizen; Netizen Journalism, Libya and the UN; UN and Houla Massacre: The Information Battlefield; ‘New News’ Challenges False Narratives of Reality; Ever Evolving Netizen – News – Net Symbiosis; UN, China and Journalism in the Era of the Netizen; Challenging False Narratives Basis for Netizen Press; Netizens and Communication A New Paradigm; Anti-cnn Forum Challenges Media Distortions.


52) Volume 24 No 1 (Fall 2014) Newsletter:

Upcoming Book “In the Era of the Netizen”

Editorial; Participatory Democracy; Culture and Communication; New Dynamics of Democratization; Rise of Netizen Democracy; Candlelight 2008; Graduation Presentation; Is This a New Era?


53) Volume 25 No 1 (Spring 2015) Newsletter:

DPRK: Out-of-the-Box Diplomacy

Introduction; Diplomacy to Build a Dialogue with North Korea; Women Plan Peace Walk Across DMZ; Media War Why Netizen Journalism Matters; DPRK UN Briefing Challenges U.S. Strategy; Contesting UN HR Report on North Korea; 13 Observations about North Korea; Enemy Image: What the DPRK Is Really Like; USA, North Korea and Hollywood, Global Citizens’ Declaration and Call.


54) Volume 26 No 1 (Fall 2015) Newsletter:

Netizens Belong in Internet Governance

Introduction; Internet of Netizens, Not of Things; Netizen Participation in IG; Citizens and Netizens in Decision-Making; Developing-Country Perspective; Democracy OR Multi-stakeholderism; What Future Governance?; Letter to Congress: NTIA and ICANN; UNESCO Obscures ICANN Controversy; UN to Consider IGF Future (2010); WSIS+10: Problems Revealed; Observations on 2nd WSIS+10 Prep Mtg; Internationalized Oversight.


55) Volume 27 No 1 (Summer 2016) Newsletter:

The Internet, Netizens and China 2005-2015

Introduction; Internet: Int'l Origins & Impact on Its Future; WGIG: China On Internet Governance; China-CSNET E-mail Link History Corrected; Origins of Internet and Emergence of Netizens; Anti-CNN: Media Watchdog & Netizen Debate; Power of Chinese Netizens; Netizens Challenge Media Distortions; First Netizen Celebration Day; China in the Era of the Netizen; My Thinking on Netizens; Proposal for World Internet Conference.


56) Volume 28 No 1 (Fall 2016) Newsletter:

Ten Years: Ban Ki-moon, UN, Tension in Korea

Introduction; Security Council Problem Facing the UN; UN Reform: What Role Will Ban Play?; Does Ban Ki-moon Have a UN Vision?; North Korea and Banco Delta Asia; Behind the Blacklisting of Banco Delta Asia; Status of the Six-Party Talks; UN Resolution Supporting Inter-Korean Summit; UN SC Controversy: North Korea Satellite; UN SC Increases Tension in Korea; U.S. Policy Toward N. K. Fails to Engage; U.S. Misrepresents Role as ‘UN Command’; United Nations Command As Camouflage; Review: The Hidden History of the Korean War.


57) Volume 28 No 2 (Winter 2017) Newsletter:

Forces Working for Peaceful Conflict Resolution

Introduction; Netizens Question Cause of Cheonan Tragedy; Questioning Cheonan Investigation Stirs Controversy; Security Council Acts in Accord with UN Charter; UN Acts to Calm Tension on Korean Peninsula; BKM Asked to Initiate Korea Peace Process; Diplomacy to Build Dialogue with North Korea; Media War at UN: Netizen Journalism Matters; BKM's Idea of Leadership vs Candlelight Model.


58) Volume 29 No 1 (Spring 2017) Newsletter:

Tribute to Vitaly Churkin: Ten Years at the UN

Introduction; Georgia: Resolutions Spark Controversy; Can the Security Council Calm Tension in Korea?; UNSC Helped Calm Tension in Korea; Lessons from UNSC Resolution 1973 on Libya; Defending UN Charter by Veto; UNSC Approves 90 Day Syria Observer Mission; UN Fails to Condemn Ukraine Attack on RF Embassy; Amb. Churkin’s 2015 SC Presidency Press Briefing; Women Ask BKM to Initiate Korea Peace Process; UNSC Tribute to Memory of Vitaly Churkin.


59) Volume 29 No 2 (Summer 2017) Newsletter:

Netizens, South Korea, and Participatory Democracy

Introduction; Celebrate 20th Anniversary of Netizens; South Korea’s Candlelight Protests; South Korea’s Blue House Scandal; Korean Candlelight Model for More Democracy; Candlelight Demos: Laboratory for Democracy; Significance of the Net and the Netizens; Rise of Netizen Democracy; What Is of Value to Me On the Net; New News Forms Can Improve Policy Making; Doing Democracy; Celebrate a Decade of Activism; Welcome to the 21st Century.


60) Volume 30 No 1 (Fall 2017) Newsletter:

DPRK, UN Security Council and the UN Charter

Introduction; Behind SK Bringing the Cheonan to UNSC; UNSC Response to NK Nuclear Test; Path for UNSC to Resolve the Conflict; SC Violates Article 32 of UN Charter; Channel to Send Communication to UNSC; Art. 32: Right to Due Process Violated by SC; Appeal for Diplomatic Solution in N.E. Asia; Letter: Wm to UNSG Guterres on Korea Crisis.


61) Volume 31 No 1 (Winter 2018) Newsletter:

A Look at the Start of the Amateur Computerist

The Story of the Amateur Computerist; The 1984-1987 Battle Over Computer Classes; Lest We Forget: The Flint Sit-Down Strike; Subversive (Poem); Were You There? (Poem); Volume 1 No. 1 (Reproduced): Introduction;

Dawn of a New Era; Dedication; World of Telecommunications; Try This (IBM); Future Belongs to Programmers; Why Learning Programming; Commodore Tips & Tricks.


62) Volume 31 No 2 (Fall 2018) Newsletter:

The Candlelight Revolution Continues

Introduction; Gwanghwamun Song; Panmunjom Declaration; Joint Statement at the Singapore Summit; Welcoming the Singapore Summit; Kim Jong-un’s Pass & Trump’s Reverse Dunk; Peace with Pyongyang; Role of Civil Society on the Korean Peninsula; Era of Great Transformation.


63) Volume 32 No 1 (Summer 2019) Newsletter:

Upholding the Singapore Kim-Trump Statement

Introduction; Towards Nuclear-Weapon-Free Northeast Asia; Open Letter to the UN Security Council; Joint Statement at the Singapore Summit; Send Communication to the UN Security Council; Support for Peaceful North-South Relations; Korean Peninsula: Unusual Signs of Hope; Olympic Truce as a Support for Peace; Korean Peninsula Provides A Ray of Hope; Security Council Members Support Dialogue; Opera Performance for UN Delegates; Glyn Ford on Talking with North Korea; Kim Jong Un’s 2019 New Year’s Speech; How Did UN SG Treat Korean Peninsula; In Memory of Dumisani Kumalo; Michael Lynk Questions Israeli Occupation; On Israel’s Annexation of Palestinian Territory; Tackling the Problem of Frozen Dialogue.


64) Volume 32 No 2 (Fall 2019) Newsletter:

The Net, Netizens and Netizenship

Introduction; Researching the “Net”; Significance of the Net and the Netizens; Michael Hauben; Netizens and the Vision for the Future; Culture and Communication; Emerging New Form of Citizenship; Experiences at 6th World Internet Conference; Rise of Social Media in the Philippines.


65) Volume 33 No 1 (Spring 2020) Newsletter:

Obstacles to Peace on the Korean Peninsula

Introduction; Letter to UN SG about ‘UN Command’s’ Use of UN Flag; ‘Peace–Forwarding Actions’ with DPRK; Chinese and Russian Draft DPRK Resolution; U.S. Misrepresents its Role in Korean War; ‘United Nations Command’ As Camouflage; Article 32: Right to Due Process in UN Charter; The Problem Facing the U.N.; Behind the Blacklisting of Banco Delta Asia; UN SC Controversy over North Korean Satellite Launch; Position of the UN SG on the Use of the UN Flag; Open Letter to the UN Security Council Members; Letter to UN SC Regarding Sanctions on North Korea; Call to Ease or Suspend the Sanctions Against the DPRK; Resolution Proposes Easing Some UN Sanctions; Dissolution of the ‘United Nations Command’.


66) Volume 34 No 1 (Fall 2020) Newsletter: a Second Netizen Book

Forward; Introduction; What is a Netizen; What the Net Means to Me; Participatory Democracy From the 1960s; Culture and Communication; The Net and Netizens.


67) Volume 34 No 2 (Spring 2021) Newsletter:

Toward a Second Netizen Book (Part 2)

Forward; Rise of Netizen Democracy; New Dynamics of Democratization; Critique of the Transition Paradigm; Candlelight Demos: Laboratory for Democracy; Netizen Journalism.


68) Volume 34 No 3 (Spring 2021) Newsletter:

Toward a Second Netizen Book (Part 3)

Forward; First Netizen Celebration Day; China in the Era of the Netizen; Anti-cnn to Challenge Media Distortions; Netizen Impact on China’s Gov’t & Media; China-CSNET E-mail Link History Corrected.


69) Volume 34 No 4a (Summer 2021) Newsletter:

Toward a Second Netizen Book (Part 4a)

Forward; Netizen Pressure for a New Journalism; Netizen and the Republic of Tahrir Square; Interview with Ronda and Jay Hauben; Netizens in Media War at the United Nations; Significance of the Net and the Netizens.


70) Volume 34 No 4b (Fall 2021) Newsletter:

Toward a Second Netizen Book (Part 4b)

Forward; Doing Democracy; Netizens and the Vision for the Future; Netizen Journalism and the UN*; United Nations, China and Journalism; Netizens Expose Media Fabrications & Distortions.


71) Volume 34 No 5 (Winter 2021) Newsletter:

Toward a Second Netizen Book (Part 5)

Netizens & Communication; New Forms of News Can Improve Policy Making; Declaration of the Rights of Netizens; Graduation Presentation; Netizens Providing Hope for Future Development; Struggle Over Internet Governance.


72) Volume 34 No 6 (March 2022) Newsletter:

Toward a Second Netizen Book (Part 6)

Forward; Internet Model of Socio-Economic Development; Citizen Model for the Study of the Internet; Int'l Origins of Internet and its Future; Int'l Scientific Origins of Internet and Netizens; Commodifying Usenet or Cooperative Culture; Norbert Wiener’s Cybernetics.


73) Volume 35 No 1 (Summer 2022) Newsletter:

Toward 25 Years of the Netizen Book

Introduction; Interview with Staff Member Michael Hauben 1; Interview with Staff Member Michael Hauben 2; Netizens Book Review by Boldur Barbat ; Netizens Then and Now; Netizenship Today: An Interview; Netizens Celebrate a Decade of Activism; Welcome to the 21st Century; First Netizen Celebration Day; My Thinking on Netizens; Greetings on the 15th Anniversary of Netizens; Netizens and Communication; Internet A New Communication Paradigm.


74) Volume 35 No 2 (Fall 2022) Newsletter:

Toward 25 Years of the Netizen Book (Part 2)

Introduction; Computers & Society Class; Researching the “Net”; New Net-Book; Graduation Presentation; Good Press Coverage of the Net and Netizens; Original Call for a Netizens Association; New List: Netizens Association;

Proposed Netizens List Charter; Netizens Netbook Finally in a Print Edition; Bastille Day Celebration in NYC; Call for Submissions; Oral History of the Internet.


75) Volume 35 No 3 (November 2022) Newsletter:

Toward 25 Years of the Netizen Book (Part 3)

Introduction; What is a Netizen?; Net and Netizens; Social Forces Behind Development of Usenet; Vision of Interactive Computing And the Future; Untold Story of ARPANET & Computer Science.


76) Volume 35 No 4 (January 2023) Newsletter:

Toward 25 Years of the Netizen Book (Part 4)

Introduction; Effect of the Net on the Professional News Media; The Net and the Future of Politics; Exploring New York City’s Online Community.


77) Volume 35 No 5 (February 2023) Newsletter:

Toward 25 Years of the Netizen Book (Part 5)

Introduction; The Expanding Commonwealth of Learning; The Computer as a Democratizer; Proposed Declaration of the Rights of Netizens; Participatory Democracy From 1960s and SDS.

Mobile: http:/

78) Volume 35 No 6 (Spring 2023) Newsletter:

Toward 25 Years of the Netizen Book (Part 6)

Introduction; Special Interview: “Netizen” Michael Hauben; First Internet History Workshop; Appendix: The OHI Project: 50 Years of the Internet; Then, Now and Into the Future; Context for the China-CSNET Link; What the Internet Can Do for People.


79) Volume 36 No 1 (Summer 2023) Newsletter:

Memories of Michael Hauben

Introduction; Michael, Computers and the Net; Memories of Michael from Japan; Memories of Michael from a Friend; Michael Hauben; Michael’s Development of Concept of Netizens; Proposed Declaration of the Rights of Netizens; Participatory Democracy: SDS and Online; Significance of Net and Netizens, Culture and Communication.


80) Volume 37 No 1 (Winter 2023) Newsletter:

The Question of Palestine at the UN

Introduction; Security Council Fails to Act on Gaza Crisis; Response to Israeli Attacks on Gaza; The World Has Been Watching; Israel Attempts to Justify Its Attack on Gaza; Need to End Israeli Siege of Gaza; Principles to Guide a Palestinian-Israeli Peace; Fr. Brockmann In the Shadow of Deep Crises; Resolution Condemning Israeli Settlements; Questions Legality of Israeli Occupation; In Memory of Dumisani Kumalo; On Israel’s Annexation of Palestinian Territory.


81) Volume 37 No 2 (Spring 2024) Newsletter:

U.S., the UN and Korea

Introduction; Problem Facing the U.N; North Korea’s $25 Million and Banco Delta Asia; Net Gives Power of the Reporter to the Netizen; Behind the Blacklisting of Banco Delta Asia; United Nations Command As Camouflage; Overseas Koreans Remember 6.15; U.S. Policy Toward North Korea Fails to Engage; Netizens Question Cause of Cheonan Tragedy; Questioning Cheonan Investigation Stirs Controversy; Security Council Acts in Accord with UN Charter; U.S. Misrepresents its Role in Korean War; Send Communication to the UNSC.


82) Volume 38 No 1 (Summer 2024) Newsletter:

Support for Student Encampments Spring 2024

Introduction; Solidarity Encampments at 130+ Universities; Faculty and Staff of University of California; Wesleyan University President Michael Roth; Connecticut College Faculty and Staff; Members of the UCLA Department of History; Organizations in Solidarity With Protests for Gaza; In Defense of Free Speech and Peaceful Protest; Over 1400 Int’l Faculty Support CU Students; UW-Madison in Solidarity With Student Protest; CCR: Solidarity With Calling for End to Genocide; CU Alumni Boycott Reunion to Aid Palestine; UTS Trustees Endorse Divestment Plan; Solidarity Statement CU Library Workers; Independent CU Student Workers Statement; Gaza: Killing of Hind Rajab; Students File Civil Rights Complaint; Call for a National Week of Rage; “I Can’t Sleep.
