Let's Play Doctor, Brooklyn, NYC, June 6, 1997 Let's Play Doctor was a slamming outlaw which sadly got shut down too soon. Night started out by hearing my compardre who I was planning to journey with claiming he got drafted for babysitting duty. Whatever - decided to head out alone to Williamsburgh by public transport to hear the Surgeon! Getting out at Lorimer exit at Union and Metropoliton, proved heady. The Gulf station to look for was closed and unlit making it difficult to figure out one's way. The area was a bit rundown and quiet, but got to the spot around 11pmish, and things were still being setup. The space was sort of a basement/loft type area? High ceiling, BIG speakers which were never quite loud enough (although prototype 909 boosted the volume a nice bit...), the DJ up on high. This space reminded me of the Five-Alive squat benefit party in terms of location. It felt like the basement of a frat, but of course since this party was in Brooklyn, the space was about 16 times the size of the manhattan party a few months back! Figures... Sat around a bit and noticed Rob and Linda, and then proceeded to see and meet the others there... ANyway, eventually they got the music higher, the lights lower, a little laserlight thing going, someother stuff. Not sure who the first DJ was, but the first real loud track was ELECTRO! Woohoo, I really want to go to an electro party - really do NOT hear that out enough - sad I missed SPutnick and the Jedi Knights - can someone tell me how their set was? There was another DJ, then Strobscopic. CUrious as I didn't realize she was a woman first! And next was SURGEON, so sad not to hear him all that often. The finale was the beginnings of a LIVE PA by prototype 909 who were interupted with the arrival of the cops. Oh well, another RARE good NYC party stopped short. I really really liked the feeling and music at this party. Lots of hard kickass techno going on. Surgeon was the definite highlight, but the Prototype 909 set seemed to have promise - if they weren't stopped so soon :( On the way out, didn't find anyone with any car space :P, or at least no one who cared to, but I guess that's expected with this crowd. And then the subway back was rather quick which was nice. Met some mean ravahs all fashion counscious and rater to stare me down, and then had a talk with some nice techno-kids, so its not all bad. with special guests: Rob Relentless and Linda Leigh, Katherine/Truthink, Misty and Rebecca, Adam Mackler, Gopal and friend, Keith, Antohny M. and his crue, Peter Tang, Molly, Chris Green, Mike McSweeny, Jerry, Elisa, Pjay, mr. out-of-towner Pez and his crew, along with and a cast of thousands!