Netizens: An Anthology

(Draft of the book, Netizens: On the History and Impact of Usenet and the Internet, published by IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1997)

Chapters by Michael Hauben

Preface: What is a Netizen?

Part I - The Present: What Has Been Created and How?

Chapter 1 - The Net and the Netizens: The Impact the Net has on People's Lives
Chapter 3 - The Social Forces Behind The Development of Usenet

Part II - The Past: Where Has It All Come From?

Chapter 5 - The Vision of Interactive Computing and the Future
Chapter 7 - Behind the Net: Computer Science and the Untold Story of the ARPANET

Part III - And the Future?

Chapter 13 - The Effect of the Net on the Professional News Media: The Usenet News Collective and Man-Computer News Symbiosis
Chapter 14 - The Net and the Future of Politics: The Ascendancy of the Commons
Chapter 15 - Exploring New York City's On-Line Community: A Snapshot of NYC.General

Part IV - Contributions Towards Developing a Theoretical Framework

Chapter 16 - The Expanding Commonwealth of Learning: Printing and the Net
Chapter 18 - The Computer as Democratizer


Proposed draft Declaration of the Rights of Netizens

The entire Netizens: An Anthology including chapters by Michael Hauben and Ronda Hauben can be seen at The Netbook